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Working with the Installer Wizard

Using the Installer

  • The installer runs through a number of phases (configuration, preparation, etc.), as shown on the right side of the screen.
  • Each phase has a number of steps, as shown on the left side of the screen.
  • Input and feedback are at the bottom of the screen.

Input and Output for Steps

  • If a step requires input, the Installer pauses and prompts you for input. Type or paste the input at the bottom of the screen and then press Enter.
  • It is important to follow the output shown at the bottom of the screen for each step. For example, you may want to copy and save the expiration date of a resource, or the values of configuration parameters.
Output shows that the upstream addess was successfully resolved

Output shows that the upstream addess was successfully resolved

Success/Failure of Steps

  • Steps that compete successfully are indicated by a green checkmark.
  • Steps that fail are indicated by a red X .
  • Some failures are critical. In those cases, you cannot continue the installation process and must first correct the issue.
  • After other failures, you can continue, but must correct the issue before working with the IDAC/PG.
Step failed but you may choose to continue the installation process


Helpful Hint

When inputting values, press Tab for auto complete. This is helpful, for example, when entering a path.

Successful Completion of a Phase

Successful completion of a phase