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Configuring SSH Tunnel


  1. Name and Description
  1. Provider and Protocol Set the location and protocol information of the server.
  • Providers -- The Cyolo platform currently supports applications hosted in two locations: Local and AWS. For this article, we will select Local.
  • Protocol - Click Networks and select SSH Tunnel.
  • Port - Enter the local and/or destination port number. This port is used for local and/or destination port forwarding. For example, if you need to tunnel web traffic through the SSH tunnel to a web server hosted on TCP port 80, you would enter 80 here. This principle applies to other applications as well, such as HTTPS (port 443),
    RDP (port 3389), etc. More examples of its usage are provided below under application parameters. For this article, we enter 1355.

Application Parameter

Set the internal and external IP address or URL of the server, and other parameters.

Configuration options specific to this article are shown here. For more information on the various options available while configuring applications, refer to the section: Application Parameters.

  • Internal address/URL - Enter the internal IP address or URL of the server to which the traffic is being forwarded. This is not the SSH tunnel endpoint. Here are some examples of how to specify the port number along with the IP address or URL:

    • - The port number entered above, under the Port field, is used for the local listening port, and the destination port is TCP 80.

      • Usage: http://localhost:1355 (for HTTP).
    • - The port number entered above under the Port field is used for the local listening port, and TCP 3389 is the destination port.

      • Usage: mstsc /v localhost:1355 (for RDP).
    • 1360: - TCP port number 1360 is used for the local listening port, and TCP 3389 is the destination port. The port number entered under the Port field is ignored.

      • Usage: mstsc /v localhost:1360 (for RDP).
    • 1360: - TCP port number 1360 is used for the local listening port, and the port number entered under the Port field is used for the destination port.

      • Usage depending on the application: <application type> localhost:1360.

      • For this article, we enter

  • Site - Click the drop-down under Site to select either All Sites or a specific site by name.

  • External URL - Enter a prefix name preceding the tenant domain name. In this example, we enter ssh-tunnel.

  • Domain - Domains added under the Applications > Domains page are listed here. By default, the tenant domain is displayed in this field. Click the drop-down to select the domain of your choice. For this article, we select the domain * The published URL will be

  • Run this program on startup -- Enter an application's path to run at startup, in the respective format for each operating system:

    • Windows -- Leave it blank.

    • Linux - Leave it blank.

    • Mac - Leave it blank.

Authentication Method - Sign-in Settings

Set the authentication parameters for logging in to the server after connecting to it. For more information
on authentication methods, refer to the section: Authentication Method.

  • None -- No authentication parameters need to be set up here. If authentication is configured on the endpoint server, it must be done when connecting using the server's native application.


Specify the users or user groups that can log in to the Cyolo Application Portal to view and access the
server. For more information on configuring identities, refer to the section: Identities.

  • For the purpose of this article, we select Any authenticated identity.

Supervision and Auditing Roles

For more information on Supervision and Auditing, refer to the section: Supervision and Auditing Roles.

  • For the purpose of this article, we retain the default settings for each role. Keep the option Same as defined in Roles enabled.

User Guide

This option allows the portal admin to add further information to help the user connect to the application.


For more information, refer to the section:Rules.

  • Rules - Click the + button to add a rule.

  • Keep all options at default, including Default profile under Conditions and Default profile (SSH Tunnel) under Actions.

  • Click Create to publish the application.