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How to Configure Password Rotation


  • For an overview of the Cyolo Vault feature, refer to the section: Overview.

  • The passwords must first be created on the Vault > Secrets page. To read about creation of secrets, refer to the section: How to Configure Secrets.

  • The LDAP identity provider must be connected to the Cyolo platform. For more details on how to integrate LDAP as an identity provider, refer to the section: Configuring LDAP Integration.

  • In order for password rotation to sync properly, make sure that the account exists on the LDAP server.


  • Log in to the Cyolo Admin Portal.

  • Navigate to the Vault > Rotations page.

  • Click the Add button at the top right side.

Rule Settings

  • Name- Enter a unique name for the rotation rule. This name helps in identifying and managing the rotation rule. Choose a descriptive name that reflects the purpose of the rule.

  • Target IDP- Select the LDAP identity provider from the drop-down menu. The passwords stored in the system vault must correspond with the password in the LDAP server.

  • Description- Provide a brief description of the rotation rule. The description field helps in documenting the purpose and details of the rotation rule for future reference.

Select Labels and Secrets

  • Use the search bar to find and select the passwords that need to be included in the rotation rule. Select passwords that have a corresponding account on the LDAP server.

Rotation Method

The Rotation Method section is for defining how and when your passwords will be rotated.

  • Every number of days- This option allows you to set the rotation to occur at a regular interval defined in days. The default is set to 90 days, but can be changed to a lower or higher number of days. This applies to all applications such as web, RDP, and SSH native.

  • After every session - This applies to RDP and SSH sessions only, and the rotation takes place after every RDP and SSH session.

  • Selecting a day of the week - This option allows the administrator to select a particular day of the week closest to the expiry period. This is to avoid disruption of resource access during work hours. For example, if the 90-day period expires on a Thursday, to avoid disruption of resource access on a workday, the admin can set the nearest non-workday to push password rotation, albeit the day falling a day or two before or after the 90-day period.

  • Strict - Alternately, the admin can select strict to perform the rotation on the exact day of the expiry period, irrespective of it being a workday.

Note: The days are calculated as per the time zone of the administrator.

  • Click the Add button at the top right to save the rule.