Log In

Other Global Settings

The Global Settings page under the Configuration menu on the Cyolo admin portal has options to configure conditions that are enforced on users of the Cyolo Application Portal and the admin portal. These conditions are enforced in addition to conditions configured in policies.

When administrators land on the page, all options are displayed on the page. Admins could choose to display options in sections by clicking the drop-down menu and selecting the respective section. By default, this is set to All.

The other options are:

  • Users

  • Admin console

  • Device posture

  • Experimental features

  • Global

  • Media replication

  • Recordings

  • TCP applications

  • Search configuration setting

Alternatively, admins can search for settings in the search bar at the top right side of the page.

Note: Unless otherwise specified, all settings must be considered enabled.


Require MFA -- Require MFA from users accessing the application portal.

Require device certificate -- This setting is disabled by default. If enabled, users must have a device certificate in their certificate store signed by the CA selected here. There are two options to set the CA:

  • Any certificate -- Selecting this option allows a device with a certificate signed by any CA, whether private or public.

  • Trusted certificate -- Select this option and choose the CA certificate from the drop-down list. The CA certificate must have been uploaded on the Policies > Trusted Certificates page to appear on the list.

For more information on uploading CA certificates, refer to the section: How to Create a Trusted Certificate.

Enforce session fingerprinting -- Enabling this option will require users to log in using the same device that they used to log in the first time.

Admin Console

When users access the admin console.

Enforce session fingerprinting - Enabling this option will require admins to log in using the same device that they used to log in the first time.

Device Posture

Enable the device posture feature - This is disabled by default. Until this is enabled, the Device Posture menu will not be displayed under the Policies page.

Enable the device posture custom check feature -- Enable this option to enforce the conditions configured on the Policies > Device Posture page.

Experimental Features

DesktopApp protocol - Disabled by default. If enabled, an application named DesktopApp can be configured on the Application page. A new tile called DesktopApp is displayed under Applications > New > Provider and Protocol > Networks.

Enhanced Native RDP - Disabled by default. -- Enabling this option will add enhanced capabilities to native RDP sessions. For example, SSO.


Control various settings across the platform.

Enable system apps bugsnag -- This option will enable monitoring of mobile application performance, bugs, and stability.

Password expiry notice days - Set the number of days to alert the user before expiry of local or LDAP passwords. The default is set to 14 days.

Syslog Escaping Characters -- Certain characters could be interpreted in unintended ways by the Cyolo platform when processing log messages, leading to unexpected consequences. To avoid this, enter
the characters that must be escaped and processed as-is when generating syslog messages.

Translate application links between policies -- This option translates web application URLs across all authorized policies.

Enable CSP protection - Disabled by default. Enable it for Content Security Policy protection to be implemented on browsers against threats, such as Cross-Site Scripting, data injection attacks etc.

LDAP-based IdP sync interval (minutes) -- Set the interval for syncing users and settings of integrated LDAP- based identity providers. The default is 60 minutes.

Digital experience monitoring -- This option monitors the latency within the network.

Send supervision-related messages only through enrolled channels -- When a user is assigned as a supervisor, they receive email and SMS alerts only if the user has enrolled using email and SMS.

Media Replication

Replicate media across IDAC instances - When enabled, recording and application icons are replicated across IDAC instances. Disable if replication is handled externally.

Recordings - Session recording settings.

Enable lease recording mechanism - Disabled by default. The lease mechanism takes into account the available storage against the estimated size of the recording and the threshold level.

Estimate per recording in megabytes -- This setting works in tandem with the lease recording mechanism feature. Set the estimated size of each recording. The default is 100 megabytes.

Safety threshold for the recording leaser in megabytes -- Set the minimum available size for the recording to begin. The default is set to 2000 megabytes.

Session recording retention days -- Set the number of days for a session recording to be retained. The default is 0 days.

Enforce session fingerprinting -- When enabled, admins must access recordings from the same device they first logged in to.

Global auditors can manage orphaned recordings - Disabled by default. Enable this setting to allow auditors to manage orphaned recordings.

TCP Applications

Auto register URI scheme upon load - Disabled by default. Enable this option to add or auto-register users as they are created in a DB into a specific site, so that you do not have to drag and drop.