Managing Sub-Tenants
Upgrading Sub-Tenants
Admins with parent tenant access can initiate upgrades on customer sub-tenants directly from the parent tenant. Admin access is not needed in each sub-tenant.
Admins with appropriate permissions in the parent tenant can view a list of sub-tenants and initiate upgrades for each sub-tenant from the parent tenant’s admin portal.
To upgrade customer sub-tenants:
Go to Integrations > Sub-Tenants, and click on the upgrade icon to upgrade the sub-tenant version. When an upgrade is triggered, a confirmation is displayed in the parent tenant: “Are you sure you want to upgrade tenant [tenant name] to version [version name]?”. Click Upgrade.
Note that if the version is already updated, you will see a notification that the version is already up to date.

Connecting Sub-Tenants
You can also verify the IDAC version by clicking the Connect icon to view the Connect IDAC screen. The version number appears here as well.

Updated 3 days ago