Log In

The Branding page under the Configuration menu on the Cyolo admin portal has various options to display your company logo or brand name, in addition to a word processor to upload a license agreement or similar legal document and format the same. This article describes each option on the page.

Admin Console's Logo

Click inside the box to upload an image to be displayed on the Admin Console page. You can also drag and
drop the image file. File types supported: PNG, JPEG.

Company Logo (Affects All Applications)

Click inside the box to upload your corporate logo to be displayed on the Cyolo Applications Portal. You can also drag and drop the image file. File types supported: PNG, JPEG.

Servers Watermark

Click inside the box to upload your corporate logo to be displayed as a watermark when connected to remote applications. You can also drag and drop the image file. File types supported: PNG, JPEG.

User Welcome Message

Enter a message to welcome users.

Personal Desktop Enrollment Message

Enter a welcome message to be displayed when users are enrolled for the Personal Desktop feature.

Your Company Name

Enter the name of your company. The company name appears at the top of the Application Portal. See the Company Logo section above. Additionally, the name will also be included in all emails sent by Cyolo to users.

Legal Terms and Conditions

Enter the terms and conditions for using your service or product. The option Accept legal documentation in the identity providers settings on the Integrations > Identity Providers page must be enabled for this option to work.