Command Line Installation Options
Options can be set for uploading license or key files, specifying a PG or IDAC version, or for uploading a configuration file for the installation. These options can be set when you run the installer (./installer). Use the Upload License or Keys via File/Upload Public Key option below to specify the path.
Upload License or Keys via File
Upload Public Key
Use this option to specify the path to the public key instead of specifying it during the interactive installation.
Upload Private Key
Use this option to specify the path to the private key instead of specifying it during the interactive installation.
Upload License
Use this option to provide the path to the license key file instead of specifying it during the interactive installation.
The options above are especially useful if you do not have copy/paste enabled in your terminal.
Install Specific Version
Use this option to specify an IDAC version (by default the latest version is used.)
Input File for Configuration
Use this option to indicate the path of a JSON file containing the configuration parameters for the installation.
For example:
./installer -f /path/to/file.json
The file format with sample values is shown below, and details for each field are in the table that follows.
IDAC JSON example:
"flow_type": "private_gateway",
"install_path": "/etc/cyolo",
"license": "/home/ubuntu/installer/license1.jwt",
"public_cert_path": "/home/ubuntu/installer/cert1.pem",
"private_cert_path": "/home/ubuntu/installer/key1.pem",
"should_join_existing_cluster": false,
"use_proxy": false,
"admin_password": "admin12345",
"instance_name": "pg-instance-01",
"port": 443,
"site_name": "",
"planned_idac_token": "",
"allow_system_apps_analytics": false,
"sni": "tcp.<domain>",
"upstream": "",
"upstream_sni": ""
Private Gateway JSON example:
"port": 443,
"flow_type": "private_gateway",
"install_path": "/etc/cyolo",
"license": "/tmp/cyolo.license",
"enable_psql": true,
"enable_mysql": true
"should_join_existing_cluster": false,
"use_proxy": false,
"sni": "tcp.<domain>",
"upstream": "",
"upstream_sni": ""
Parameter | Optional/Mandatory | Comments |
flow_type | Mandatory | The type of installation flow. Accepted values: "idac", "private_gateway", "planned_idac", "cleanup". |
install_path | Mandatory | Absolute path where the product will be installed. It must point to an empty directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. |
license | Path to the valid license file (jwt). | |
public_cert_path | Optional | Path to the public certificate in PEM format. Required unless the license domain is a Cyolo domain. If it is not supplied, a cert will be generated. |
private_cert_path | Optional | Path to the private certificate in PEM format. Required unless the license domain is a Cyolo domain. If it is not supplied, a cert will be generated. |
instance_name | Optional | Name of the instance. If not provided, the IDAC/Private Gateway will be nameless. |
upstream | Optional | Address of the upstream gateway. For IDAC default: |
upstream_sni | Optional | SNI value for the upstream gateway if it is an IP address. If the upstream is not an IP, this field will be ignored and the SNI will be inferred from the upstream. |
enable_psql | Optional | Relevant only for Private Gateway installations. |
enable_mysql | Optional | Relevant only for Private Gateway installations. |
should_join_existing_cluster | Optional | Relevant only for IDAC installations. |
use_proxy | Optional | Relevant only for IDAC installations. |
affinity | Optional | The affinity to use for the private gateway. Relevant only for Private Gateway installations. |
Clean Up Failed IDAC Installation
If an installation fails, you can run a cleanup that will delete the contents of the installation directory.
To clean up an IDAC installation, use the method shown above for Installation with a Config File and use the value cleanup
for flow_type
Updated 3 days ago