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Device Management

The Devices menu on the Cyolo admin portal has features that display information of devices that use the Cyolo Connect agent software. Network access is regulated based on location or network environment. Administrators can configure how this network-based access is to be controlled.

The Device Management page displays information about devices that have the Cyolo Connect agent installed. The information is acquired using Osquery. Administrators can choose to select or deselect which information is displayed on the page. This includes devices that are currently connected and those that connected in the past.

When the agent is successfully connected to the tenant, Cyolo IDAC acquires information from the device where the agent is installed. The information collected includes the following:

Column HeaderValue
HostnameThe computer name
UsernameThe username used to log in to Cyolo Connect.
Device TypeDesktop or mobile devices.
StateThe current state of the agent. Connected or Disconnected.
Last SeenLatest login date and time.
Device ModelThe model name of the connecting device. For example, MacBook Air, Mac14,2, HP Laptop 10, iPhone SE.
OSExample: MAC-OS, Windows, iOS.
OS VersionExample, 14.5, 10.02, 17.6.1
Cyolo Connect VersionThe firmware version of Cyolo Connect. For example, 1.0.88, 2.0.10
Domain JoinedThe name of the domain the computer is joined to. If not joined to a domain, this information will be blank for Mac. For Windows, it will display WORKGROUP.
External StorageWhether the computer has external storage connected. If not, this column will show Disconnected.
Bluetooth SharingThis is not applicable.
Anti-VirusWhether an anti-virus software is installed in the connecting device. If installed, this column will show as "Exist".
Anti-Virus SignaturesWhether the anti-virus signatures are up to date.
OS FirewallWhether a firewall software is installed in the device.
Disk EncryptionWhether disk encryption is enabled.
Internal IPThe internal IP address of the connecting device.
Device IDThe UUID of the connecting device.
Memory UtilizationThe memory usage in %.
Disk UtilizationThe disk usage in %.

Administrator Functions

The portal admin can perform the following functions on this page:

  • Search – Click the Search bar to search for information on the page.
  • Expand/Collapse devices – Click the pointer icon to expand or collapse the device list.
  • Select devices – Enable the checkbox at the top to select all devices. To select multiple devices, enable the checkbox before each device.
  • Sort – Sort the list by the column headers.
  • Manage display information – Click the first icon in the far right corner to show the drop-down list of column headers to select or deselect their display. In addition to the default items, admin can select Internal IP, Device ID, Memory Utilization, and Disk Utilization for their information to appear in the list.
  • Group information – By default, the list is grouped by the computer name or hostname. Click the second icon in the far right corner of the screen to show the drop-down list of column headers to group information by.
  • Unpair Device – Hover the mouse over a device and click the icon to unpair the device. This will disassociate or unpair a user from the device they are connecting from. Unpairing will stop IDAC from syncing data with the device and will disconnect the user from Cyolo Connect.